Application Form Seeking Admission for Grade: *Child's Name: *Parent or Guardian Home Address *Home Phone: *Date of Birth *GenderMaleFemaleToday's Date *Father's Name: *Father's Phone *Father's Occupation *Work PhoneOffice AddressEmail Address *Mother's Name *Mother's Phone *Mother's Occupation *Work PhoneOffice AddressEmail Address *Previous School(s) AttendedReason for leavingHow did you hear about Petals School?Reason for choosing Petals School for your childName of SiblingsDate of BirthSchool Presently AttendingGeneral Health InformationAllergiesChronic ConditionsRegular MedicationsFoods, Medications, and other substances which you wish your child to avoid:Other Information we should know about your child (Talents, Difficulties, Likes, Dislikes, Temperament,etc.)WE HEREBY APPLY FOR A CHILD TO BE ADMITTED TO PETALS SCHOOL AND WE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:1 Fees are payable on or before the first day of term.2. A term's notice is required before a child is removed from the school, or a term's fees should be paid.3. Transfer certificate from the previous school (for Grade 2 onwards).4. Submit this form along with Parent identification, Birth Certificate of child, Immunization record, 4 passport size photo, 1 stamp size photo, Fees for a term.5. Cheque payable to 'Petals Montessori School Ltd.Birth Certificate of Child *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileParent Identification *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePassport Size Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileImmunization Record *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileStamp Size Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileParents Signature:Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file Send Message